Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker Review

Blew out your flip flop? Stepped on a pop top? Well you’ve landed in the right place, because we, too, like to pretend our address is “Margaritaville.”
And finding the perfect margarita blender boils down to one important point: ice-crushing power. The other bells and whistles are certainly nice, but for the best margarita around you need a drink maker that packs a big punch when it comes to its crushing and shaving capacity. Lower-end blenders that crush ice only can result in frozen margaritas with large ice chunks remaining. The Margaritaville machines deliver the same kind of restaurant quality beverages by shaving the ice before it is blended. This is what sets them apart from other blenders and drink machines, and what makes them great for not just margaritas but for smoothies and other frozen beverages as well!
The Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker is available in four models: the Bahamas, the Key West, the Tahiti, and the Bali. All of these drink machines have strong customer reviews and strong performance. Let’s take a look at the features and pros and cons of these four models to help you find the one that’s right for you.
Table of Contents
Margaritaville Bahamas Frozen Concoction Maker
The Bahamas could be considered the starter model: this is your most basic and least expensive of the bunch, but it still delivers a quality drink. The Bahamas Frozen Concoction Maker churns out 36 ounces at a time, suited for serving a smaller crowd of around 6 to 8 guests. Like all of the Margaritaville models, it incorporates ice shaving before blending, to ensure a smooth and consistent mix. The shatterproof jar is easy to use and easy to clean, and you can also purchase a handy travel bag when you want to take the party with you on vacation!
Positives: The least expensive model for those on a budget and still has ice-shaving capabilities and is the smallest in size for tight countertop space.
Negatives: Smaller output and only one style of blended drink can be made at a time. It uses a plastic rather than glass jar.
Margaritaville Key West Frozen Concoction Maker
This model’s extra-large ice reservoir means an impressive yield of 2.5 pitchers, so it is a step up from the Bahamas model in terms of drink output. If your guests are downing the drinks as quickly as they are gobbling up the shrimp kebabs, you can count on the Margaritaville Key West Frozen Concoction Maker to keep them happy.
It comes with four pre-programmed drink settings, making it easy enough for even the novice bartender to handle. All of the parts are dishwasher safe, making clean-up a breeze for an exhausted party host!
Positives: glass jar with drip-free spout, pre-programmed settings, and the machine automatically determines how much ice to shave based on the number of drinks set.
Negatives: Bulky and too large to fit under most cabinet spaces.
Margaritaville Bali Frozen Concoction Maker
The Bali is truly the gold standard of the Margaritaville machines, doing almost all of the work for you! Backed by 650 watts of power and boasting a 60-ounce jar capacity, this unbeatable drink machine has remix channel blends and dispenses a smooth and consistent beverage every time. Guests can refill their glasses with one easy touch, and the Bali can also be programmed to mix half-chamber batches, ensuring none of your top-shelf tequila goes to waste.
Positives: 60 ounce drink output and 650 watts of power, plus a handy self-dispensing lever and preprogrammed settings.
Negatives: Too tall to fit under most cabinet spaces and some customers have complained about leakage.
Margaritaville Tahiti Frozen Concoction Maker
When it comes to the Tahiti, think of it as your beach party on steroids! This model whips out drinks into three different blending jars, ensuring variety for all your guests and pleasing the palates of those who prefer a daiquiri to a margarita, or those who like to stay in the pina colada (and getting caught in the rain) lane. Different blending jars also allow you to create treats for guests of all ages by including some alcohol-free options, too.
The Tahiti’s ice reservoir can hold enough ice to fill all three pitchers, and it cranks out the same shaved ice as the other Margaritaville models, which means smooth, consistent, and delicious frozen beverages every time. With its 700 watts of power the Tahiti manages to crank out 72 ounces of beverages per cycle.
Positives: The ability to make more than just one drink and multiple serving containers (serves up to 30 people at a time), and increased wattage from the Key West and Bahamas models.
Negatives: The largest of the models, requiring a tremendous amount of counter and storage space.
Final Thoughts
In short, when considering the variety of models offered by Margaritaville Frozen Concotion Makers, your decision will ultimately come down to two major factors: your budget and the drink output you require.
If you entertain smaller crowds only, you can easily stick with one of the more basic models like the Bahamas. But if you entertain often and need to serve larger crowds (and have more money to spend), a Bali or Tahiti model may be better suited to your needs.
No matter which Margaritaville machine you purchase, you are guaranteed a smooth and consistent output thanks to the machines’ ice-shaving capabilities, which you simply won’t find in many other frozen drink makers on the market.
Frequently Asked Questions ?
Q. How do you use a Margaritaville blender ?
A. First fill the ice compartment with ice and then pour the drink ingredients into the blender jar. Put the jar in place and just turn on the machine to blend. The machine will blend the proper ratio of ice to liquid.
Q. What is the difference between a margarita machine and a blender ?
A. The Margarita machine has a different blade design to shave ice. Whereas a blender is simply designed to draw ingredients down to the blade and liquifiy ingredients.
Q. Can you put frozen fruit in a Margaritaville machine ?
A. Yes, you can.
Q. Can I make other frozen drinks besides Margaritas ?
A. Yes. First you add the ingredients and manually blend the fruits in the blending jar. After the ingredients are blended then you can run the pre-programmed cycle like normal.
Q. How do you adjust the taste of the blended frozen drinks if it is too watery ?
A. Add more shaved ice by holding the toggle switch to “shave only” if the drink tastes too watery. Also check what drink # setting you are using. Finally, make sure that the ice that you use isn’t too hard or the machine will not be able to shave enough ice (let frozen ice sit out 10-20 minutes before using in the machine).