Favorite Keto Coffee Recipe and Keto Coffee Overview

Keto Coffee which is also called “Butter Coffee” or “Bulletproof Coffee” has become all the rage in recent years due to the growth in the Ketogenic Diet and its use with intermittent fasting.
I personally have been following a Keto diet and drinking a single cup of Keto coffee is something I have added into my diet.
Low carb plans like Keto make a lot of sense and there is plenty of medical evidence supporting weight loss results from following a low carb diet(with healthy fats) versus a low fat diet plan. Related article: Ketogenic Smoothie recipes
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Why Keto Coffee ?
The reason Keto coffee is so popular is because it tastes like a creamy Latte and provides healthy fats that help provide energy for the brain and metabolic fuel for muscles. Other benefits are that it boosts energy and alertness.
If you are not familiar with the Keto diet, it is similar to Paleo, but on Keto you eat very low amount of carbohydrates and a high amount of healthy fats. This causes your body to go into a Ketogenic state where the body burns the stored fat you have for fuel.
If you are new to Keto Diet, here are some articles that I found useful. (1) (2) (3) (4) On the Keto diet you are essentially changing your body’s fuel source over to dietary fats instead of glucose(sugar/carbs). Keto diet is a very effective way to reset your metabolism and lose weight relatively quickly.
Required Medical Disclaimer – Talk to your medical professional if you have any pre-existing conditions before starting a strict low-carb diet like Keto.
Is Keto Coffee Dangerous ?
I read a lot about Bulletproof Coffee (aka Keto Coffee) before trying it. There is a lot of confusion online about Keto coffee elevating certain cholesterol levels, higher levels of fat, and not providing a lot of nutrients.
Understand that Keto coffee does contain higher levels of saturated fat but it is intended to be used in conjunction with a low carb plan where you are eating highly nutritious meals the rest of the day. Typically Keto coffee is drank in the morning when you haven’t eaten since the prior evening and therefore you body is in a metabolic fasting state.
Yes, Keto Coffee does have saturated fat and most nutrition experts recommend limiting saturated fat to under 10% of calories a day.
Traditionally, the consensus was that saturated fat is bad but there is more and more medical evidence in the last decade that contradicts that. Read this article which summarizes all the medical research/studies about saturated fats and concludes that natural saturated fats are healthy.
In summary, a single cup of Keto coffee(see recipe below) seems fine as a meal replacement in conjunction with a proper nutrition plan where you are eating lots of nutritionally dense foods like dark greens, grass fed meats, green smoothies, and quality fats. If you are drinking a Keto coffee as a meal replacement and then not eating properly for the rest of the day then it can be a problem.
(Medical Disclaimer – Please talk with your medical provider before make dramatic changes to your diet).
This video is a good summary of using Bulletproof Keto coffee for weight loss :

Keto Coffee with a Blender
In order to make the Keto coffee creamy with a “frothy top” you need to make it with a blender. Honestly, any blender will work as there are no hard ingredients to blend.
Despite the above warning, I do make my Keto Coffee with a Nutribullet because I only blend it for less than 5 seconds immediately after screwing the blade onto the jar. It works great. If you blend hot liquid any longer that 5 seconds in the Nutribullet, then you increase the risk of leaks and building up pressure in the jar. I’ve seen 100’s of various “Bulletproof” Keto Coffee recipes. I tried a few different butter coffee recipe variations but I stick to the one that is healthy and simple. I should mention that with all these different Keto coffee recipes I have seen various ingredients used. I read a bunch of articles trying to understand the different ingredients and the “core” recipes all use: I add in a little whipping cream(or Half and Half) and vanilla extract into mine (see my favorite Keto Coffee Recipe below). The main benefit of MCT oil is that it is easily absorbed and provides a good source of fuel for the body. Here are a couple resources explaining the medical studies and benefits of MCT Oil (1) (2) (3) I did some research and the MCT Oil that I went with is Jarrow’s because it has no taste, is very well priced, and Jarrow is known for quality, well-tested supplements. Here are the nutrional facts on Jarrow MCT Oil. I tried a couple different variations and this is my favorite Keto coffee as it is rich and tastes like a creamy latte with a subtle vanilla taste. Here is the recipe as well as the step-step instructions I do: Step 1: I use an Aeropress to make my coffee and 2 scoops of Peet’s Major Dickason DECAF coffee (I cut out caffeine about a year ago so I just make my Keto coffee with decaf coffee because I love the taste of coffee and the Peet’s Major Dickason is the best DECAF I’ve tasted). Step 2: Cut 1 Tablespoon grass fed butter(use the little TBSP line markets on the wrapper) Step 3: Add butter, whipping cream, vanilla extract, and MCT Oil into Blender jar. Step 4: Add coffee into blender jar and blend 5 seconds. Enjoy ! TIP – Make it a Keto Mocha: Add 1 Tablespoon cacao powder for a mild chocolate taste. (Cacao NOT Cocoa, learn more about Cacao here. It is wonderful for you.) A lot of people are diehard about Bulletproof coffee and some take it to the extreme. In fact, some people make their Keto coffee with up to 3 tablespoons of butter. That is too much ! I read a lot of information about Keto coffee before trying it. My recipe above offers a nice balance of moderation that works great to stimulate the body and mind in the morning. Please remember that it is made to work in combination with a diet rich in nutrients, greens, and healthy fats. Let me know what you think !Keto Coffee Ingredients
Best Keto Coffee Recipe
Final Thoughts